SQL Visitors

About this template

By configuring this template you will get an alert every time an SQL visits the website with details like his firmographics tagging the marketer/sales rep whom the lead is assigned to.

It requires enabling integration with the CRM like Hubspot which to fetch the details of the those marked as SQL in the data.

Apart from firmographics like location, company’s number of employee and annual revenue, you can also have a general view of the number of sessions and channels overview.

You can also view the journey map of each lead and understand their interest and preferences

You can also view his details directly on the CRM.


With the details from the template, one can know about the interest of the SQL and which stage of buying he is- for example, if he views the pricing page, it’s an indication of his considering the purchase.

This information gives context to the upcoming interaction with the SQL and also help in deciding to pre-pone the call with the lead to make best use of his current interest.

Depending on his actions on the website (for example, if he checks the pricing page in detail or downloads a particular content), he can be qualified from MQL to SQL or vice versa.

For the sales team, this kind of data is highly crucial in ascertaining the quality of the leads their efforts are fetching.

This data is also useful in creation of personalized messaging for the future visits of this lead with the help of a website personalization tool.

This template helps in sales-marketing enablement.

How to use it?

Enable CRM, choose metrics you want to see, select channel and schedule alerts.

Who is it useful for?

Sales and Marketing teams

Back-end website personalization team