Customize your website
to cater to each unique persona

Leverage AI to enhance and amplify intelligent customer interactions in the realm of SaaS and B2B
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Sarus company
Hiver company
Classplus Customfit Customer
MailModo CustomFit Customer

Auto detect the visitors from multiple sources and serve the content to each unique visitor as per their taste.

Effortlessly recognize the companies of visitors
(with over 80 properties) through their IP addresses, and customize
their experience according to industry categories such as SaaS, e-Commerce,
Edutech, etc., as well as segment them into B2B, B2C, D2C, and different
company sizes like startups, SMEs, and enterprises

Understand the user and show him what he want gathers visitor information from various sources, recognizes visitors and their actions, and then delivers tailored messages according to their identity and past interactions

Get Instant Alerts and Reports deliverd to your inbox

Have the detailed information about your website visitor handy and get an alert the moment he/she visits your website

Understand the user and show him what he want gathers visitor information from various sources, recognizes visitors and their actions, and then delivers tailored messages according to their identity and past interactions

Integrates seamlessly with

Social media icons

Works on all website builders.

Personalization happens at multiple layers

Based on .........
Number of times user visited the website in past.
The industry he came from.
Previous behaviour on the website.
Source of traffic.
Geography and demographics etc.
Targeting criteria of paid campaigns

Science of personalization

Unleash the full potential of website by harnessing the
science of B2B personalization. Elevate visitor engagement and boost conversion
rates through tailored experiences that resonate with your target audience

You can test it in 2 Mins

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