Your Shortest Path
to Goal Conversions
with in-built
Audience Analytics

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Marketer analyzing audience analytics for improving conversions

Track user journeys across 1000+ properties

Sales and Marketing professionals use event analyzer
Event Analyzer
Get detailed analysis of events. Strategize & optimize personalization.
Understand page performance with respect to events. Compare crucial metrics like events and goals, total and unique clicks to strategize content for each audience segment.
Goal Tracker
Optimize website for goal oriented behavior.
Measure, analyze and compare various metrics and conversions. Strategize each piece of content to drive goals like form conversions, sign ups, CTR, downloads etc. Analyze goals or conversions on each page with respect to various audience segments.
Goal tracker to optimize website for goal oriented behavior
Journey Explorer to track visitor behavior on website
Journey Explorer
At each touch point, understand the visitor behavior in depth.
Analyze visitor journey to identify touch points that drive the highest and least conversions. Identify and fix the loose-ends and thereby optimize paths for each visitor segment.
Visitor Analyzer
Know what resonates with each visitor.
Track the journey path of an individual visitor with behavior points like time spent on a particular page and triggers. Use this for customizing experiences and for recommendations.
Visitor Analyzer for marketing and sales for website
Firmographic insights to fetch company data from CRMS
Firmographic Insights
Get all relevant company data about the visitor at once (forget checking in multiple CRMs).
Integrate with CRMs like Clearbit, HubSpot etc to fetch Firmographic details of the visitor like industry, number of employees in the organization, annual revenue, designation and location. Minimize time and effort in qualifying B2B personas.