There are several different types of functional testing that can be performed to ensure that the software meets the expected standards. Here are some of the most common types of functional testing:
• Unit testing: This type of testing focuses on the individual components or functions of a software application. It is used to ensure that each component is functioning correctly on its own.
• Integration Testing: This type of testing focuses on the integration of different components in the software application. It is used to make sure that the components are working together correctly.
• System testing: This type of testing focuses on the overall system of the software application. It is used to make sure that the system is functioning as expected.
• Acceptance Testing: This type of testing evaluates the software against the user's requirements. It is used to make sure that the software meets the user's expectations.
Negative functional testing is a type of testing that verifies the application or system by providing invalid input and ensuring that the expected errors or exceptions are generated.
• Functional Testing: This type of testing focuses on the functionality of a software application. It is used to make sure that the software is performing as expected and meeting the user's requirements.
• Non-Functional Testing: This type of testing focuses on the performance of a software application. It is used to make sure that the software is performing at an acceptable level.
• Scope: Functional testing focuses on the functionality of the software application, while non-functional testing focuses on the performance of the software application.
• Goals: The goal of functional testing is to make sure that the software is functioning as expected, while the goal of non-functional testing is to make sure that the software is performing at an acceptable level.
• Techniques: Functional testing uses techniques such as unit testing and integration testing, while non-functional testing uses techniques such as performance testing and security testing.